Be careful when sharing your credit card information. There are people nowadays, finding ways to get your info and may be do some shopping on your behalf. This may leave you to be Bill Shocked that your card has already been maxed out.
Somebody called me twice already regarding my credit cards, asking if my contact details are still the same. Bad thing is I did not get his name. The first time a similar like this called from the same company (Metrobank) I told him I was busy. So he said he will call again some other time. This afternoon, I got the call again. He introduced himself and told me it was just some system check, so I entertained him. Well, first he asked if my contact details are still the same. I said yes. Asked if my address is still the same. I said yes. Asked if I am still using my credit card mastercard. I said no. Literally no because I am using a supplementary card from my mother in law, so all other metrobank principal cards are kept in my locker. Asked if I am still using my metrobank card. I asked what card? He said the one with the last four digit of *0002 ( I have 3 cards) I asked what color? Then he put me on hold. Then he said my toyota metrobank card. Got him. I do not have a Toyota metrobank card. Then something struck me. I interrogated him. He knew the last four digits of my card. He may get my cvv number. I got worried. he asked if I am still using my metrobank visa card. I said I do not have a visa card. Two inconsistencies. Then he said "ayy wala po? Sige thank you." Then he hung up on me. This happened to me twice now, Firs is with my Eastwest Bank Credit Card and this is the Second Time. The first time it happened when he wanted me to dictate to him the full credit card number, I hung up on him. This is creepy. After the call, I reported this immediately to the credit card hotline. |
Ms. Lota Is...An Architect By Profession. Archives
July 2016